A short film delving into the world around a teenagers life as her family members start to disappear from it. One person missing every day and she's the only one who remembers them.
The Cast
Rosie Brown is an actor from Wimbledon, London. She featured in many productions like Dark Whispers for which she received best actress last year. Rosie brings a lot to the table, she is a successful tennis player and is very passionate in costume design.
Georgie is an actor from Thames Ditton. When she was at Uni, she participated in many drama productions. After University, she launched into radio work with BBC 1 and she also became an acting extra when working with a successful production company. Georgie has also starred in a film opening called fractures.
Mark is a successful actor from Thames Ditton. He has had many years of experience within the film industry, he was a very well-known stunt double and he worked in many popular films. Being a stunt-double will be very useful in our Short Film and he is very hard-working.
Debbie has had a lot of experience as an actress, with a background of working on television dramas like Eastenders and Coronation Street. Acting in our new short film will be a challenge for her as it is new territory but she is very professional and will work extremely hard.
Emily is a young and quiet girl who minds her own business yet she is the centre of attention when it comes to her parents. She always does well at school and this shows by how her parents treat her. Due to all of this attention and affection it obviously affects her and her sisters relationship negatively. There is an unspoken feud between them.
Alice is the main character in our short film and is presented as a strong individual on the outside but truthfully, is very fragile and sensitive on the inside.
Alice puts her guard up. She does this to hide her vulnerable and fragile side. She desperately wants to impress her parents by being this bubbly, enthusiastic teenager but that isn't the truth.
She hides her insecurities to try to be seen as the "perfect daughter".
Claire is the mother of the two daughters, Alice and Emily. She is a hard-working mother who loves her children very much. She will do anything for them and this is shown by her behaviour towards them, she is very affectionate.
She isn't shown very much in our short film due to her working loads, the relationship between her and her daughters is very strong.
The father is always looking after the two girls, Emily and Alice. He has a short temper, he can easily snap at the two children but he can also be a very supportive dad, it is one or the other. He suffers from PTSD as he has had such a traumatic past, he used to be a war photographer.